
I am no longer an advocate for mammograms, the recommended routine breast screenings, for all women. “But, Cait! You’re a nurse! How could you say something so contradictory to what’s recommended?!” I know. It seems extreme, but hear me out. Upon discovering new information over the years and conducting my own observations with patients, friends, and family, I am now of the opinion that the diagnostic tools used to detect breast cancer are harmful, both directly and indirectly. Not only are the breast subjected to cancer causing radiation as a means of “preventative” testing through mammograms, but these assessments often lead to more invasive testing and/or treatment of an issue that could have resolved itself or been managed with less invasive/risky approaches. (Here’s just one example of the science behind my opinion:

The best thing women can do, KNOW YOUR BODY. Touch it, listen to it, know it! Self breast exams should be going down on the regular. I have a nifty little tool that increases sensitivity that I think every-booby needs! (…/plexus-breast-chek-kit)

Learning about what can contribute to breast cancer and opting out of those things is true prevention. No more fragrance, parfum, aluminum deodorant RIGHT NEXT TO OUR BREASTS! No more endocrine disruptors and no more artificial junk. (

And no more hateful and negative thoughts and self talk, especially regarding your body. Toxicity isn’t just from the physical things. Your attitude and self perception can be toxic too and that impacts your health just as greatly as any physical factors.

If you find a suspicious lump or feel something isn’t right seek the opinion of a trusted provider. I recommend starting with the least invasive/risky methods first and escalating as needed. Thermography is an effective screening method that I feel should be utilized more often as the initial screening tool. Urgency is put on the patient to make decisions and this often prohibits the patient from exploring any other options beyond what the physician is recommending. While there is a time and place for urgency, I believe patients are often rushed through the process and coerced into making decisions because they do not have all the pertinent information. It’s ok to take a minute to breathe. It’s ok to ask questions. It’s ok to seek a second opinion or confirmation.

This is not a judgement to anyone who chooses mammography, biopsies, or any other means of testing. I am simply sharing my opinion and some things I’ve learned along my journey. This is not medical advice, but rather sharing information I have found valuable and useful both in my professional and personal life.

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Radiation from routine mammography poses significant cumulative risks of initiating & promoting breast cancer
-Samuel Epstein, MD